Weird Ways to Make Money in a Recession

John Nofsinger
4 min readAug 1, 2022

Yup, its basically official. America is in a recession.

But hey, don’t let that get you down! Despite the looming economic gloom, there are still ways to make money, and line your pockets, even if that means getting a little…creative with your income.

So lets jump into it! Here are some weird ways you can make money during a recession!

  1. Donate your eggs.

You heard me right. If you are a woman and produce eggs that can be fertilized I have some good, but weird, news for you: you can sell them for money. There are multiple companies online that will buy eggs from women who have healthy genes, are physically fit and mentally sound. The good news? Your eggs can sell for thousands of dollars. The bad news? Is that your genes have to be good…really good. These companies wont let just anyone sell eggs-they want the smartest, healthiest, most physically attractive eggs out there. So if you have genetic disorders, autism runs in your family, or have massive health issues, then this is not the side hustle for you.

2. Help a childless couple give birth through IVF.

Yeah, this one isn't a popular one, for obvious reasons. Giving birth is a painful, slow, body-destroying process. BUT, for those who are desperate and are in need of some cold, hard cash…this may just be the weird thing that makes you rich. If you can bear children, are physically fit, and are willing to take the plunge the good news is, you can make upwards of $25,000.00 giving birth to someone else's baby. The bad news is that you can destroy your private parts, destroy your stomach and kill your sex life. So…enter at your own risk.

3. Sell your kidney.

I am going to be honest, the only reason why this one is on here is because I heard a church member I knew say they sold their kidney for $30,000.00. I have no idea how they did it, or where, or how this works but I know that they did because they showed me the pictures.

The pro side to this, is that you can make bank.

The con side to this is….you only have one kidney. But hey, how much can only having one kidney hurt, right?

4. Get a third, or fourth, or fifth room mate.

This one is not going to be popular, but het I warned you this would be weird. Long story short, I lived in Australia for 6 months in my early twenties, and while I was there I lived with missionaries who would live 4 people to one apartment, sometimes five. How did they do it? With bunkbeds.

Was it crammed? Absolutely. But guess what? Each persons rent was only $200. Imagine spending only $2,400 a year in rent. This one is only for people who are really desperate but…desperate times call for desperate measures.

If your paycheck just aint cuttin it, why not get 4 friends to move in with you?

Aaaaaaand thats it for today folks! Was this list weird? Totally. Would only the truly impoverished take these drastic steps? Yes. But look, no one is going to judge you if you do what it takes to survive. And honestly? Screw what other people think! Go make that money! Who cares how you made it, as long as your not homeless on the streets, right?

